Monday, July 29, 2013

The Need For Humility

It seems like now a days, everything is a competition. Whether it is in an actual sporting game or just the social side of life. Everything truly is a battle and compassion is nowhere to be found.

Constantly in high school, you can hear in the hallways and classrooms people boasting about what is going on in their own life. The biggest topic that frustrates me is injuries.

Everyone thinks it is really cool to brag about their injuries. What bones you've broken, how many x-rays you've had and of course, how fun the casts and crutches are. When people tell these stories, they often share them because they want to show off. For the most part, the injuries people brag about are not major problems because I have found that those that have suffer the most, are the humble ones.

After dealing with this concussion for almost two years, I really have never felt the need to brag about my medical problems because for me, they aren't an accomplishment. The successful part of my story are the trivial things I can get done like making it through a full day of school or being able to finish a homework assignment on time.

This concussion has opened my mind up to the people who suffer in silence. Unlike the injuries that come with casts and cool stories, the ones you cant see, like concussions, are almost always overlooked by peers.

With time, I have come to notice and listen to people with illnesses and struggles that most people don't see. Migraine disorders, anxiety problems and severe depression are just a few of the issues my classmates deal with in silence.

So the next time you want to brag about the horrible pain you are in from a sprained ankle, keep in mind that the people around more than likely are dealing with something greater than you. Give them support and listen before you speak.

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