Monday, August 26, 2013

Companionship of a Different Kind

Happy National Dog Day!!!
In my struggle with this concussion, my dogs have been a vital support for me. As I spent months home alone unable to be around any of my friends, it was very lonely. My family had one dog, Cassie, who was a very sweet, calm old lady. But I needed some energy in my life so we decided to get another dog.
We adopted a shelter puppy named Alvin. Alvin and Cassie spent their days together wrestling and cuddling with me. Unfortunately at the age of 13, Cassie did pass away a year after we got Alvin.
But Alvin has a level of companionship with me that is incredible. The two of us are inseparable and he has gotten me through some of my darkest days.
Animals are the most  sympathetic and loving creatures. They are never too busy hanging out with friends, doing school work or playing sports to stop by and say hi.
They will always be there for you in your time of need.
 I love you Cassie and Alvin!!!

Alvin and I
Alvin on the Left and Cassie on the Right

Alvin on the Left and Cassie on the Right

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